Riverdale Project PB&J 9/18 from 2:00pm - 4:00pm

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PineappleDr. T Gordon Cort, PT, DPT is an accomplished and experienced Howard University-trained physical therapist. He has a wealth of experience in orthopedic physical therapy and pain management. He originally graduated from Howard University in 1990 with a BSc in Physical Therapy and returned to his alma mater and completed the Doctor of Physical Therapy degree.

Dr. Cort has specialized in the diagnosis and treatment of persons with myofascial pain syndrome, chronic pain syndrome, and other myofascial related disorders. He has also specialized in industrial rehabilitation. Over the years he has brought his diagnostic and treatment skills to patients with chronic headaches/migraines of a soft tissue/myofascial origin and has impacted the lives of scores of headache sufferers.

He studied dry needling techniques under the tutelage of Dr. Jan Dammerholt and applied these techniques in the treatment of patients with chronic pain, especially in the injured worker population. He has combined his back to work program (work hardening) with dry needling and other pain management techniques to resolve many workman’s compensation cases and successfully assist injured workers to return to work full duty.

Dr. Cort currently treats a significant number of injured workers, taking them from the point of injury to a successful return to work. He has and continues to treat patients with headaches and other orthopedic injuries successfully and finds pleasure in bringing relief to his patients.

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